The method was designed by Tomislav Gunjača ( FB). He is an instructor and practitioner of various techniques, in ThetaHealing technique he is an instructor of all courses with degrees: Master 2010, Certificate Of Scienece 2014, Elective 2015, Certificate Of Scienece 2019. He gained experience in person teaching various courses and doing healing treatments around the world (Japan, Philippines, Russia, United Arab Emirates, Greece, Serbia, Hungary, Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Germany, Switzerland, USA (New York, New Jersey, Montana, Idaho, California, Nevada, Utah, Georgia, Colorado), Mexico city, Guadalajara, Morelia), Bahamas, Brazil (Brasilia, Rio De Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Porto Alegre) … and online which would be too much to list but it is an important experience … This text is not praiseworthy, just so you know that your instructor and the author of this method has gained some experience and knowledge. The CREATING© method is one of the results of all of this. Led by the desire that as many people as possible improve their own and other people’s lives, easily and without complications, by studying various methods ode and technique, religion and ways of helping and healing – formed what will allow people to improve their daily lives with minimal effort and without much reading and learning.

That is the method of creating and recreating of existing – CREATING©.

“I was born in Zagreb, Croatia in 1963. Since I am aware of myself, I am interested in everything what is obviously happening and no one could explain to me why…

My first serious encounter with energy that science cannot explain by mathematical and physical formulas happened to me in 1981. I found a pendulum and a booklet with instructions for using the pendulum. Pendulum answered correctly with YES and NO and that is what prompted me to study and compare official science and alternative a little more seriously from the age of 18. Today I know it was no accident, as I thought at the time.

After high school and military service, I finished my technical studies in 1986. ( ing.)

Work experience… waiter, assistant worker, painter (NY), medical masseur, professional driver (A, B, C, E, D cat.), graphic design worker, designer, passenger transport dispatcher (UN), escort officer (EU), simultaneous translator… 20 years dir. of the company Matorad d.o.o. Since 2007. actively work healing and, since 2010, I teach healing.

All this time I read, socialize and talk as much as I can with different people from different continents spreading my own knowledge and gathering new knowledge. When I am able, I travel and try to live with the locals for a while. Among other locations I visited Moscow, St. Petersburg (Leningrad back then), San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Budapest, Berlin… I also had the good fortune to work for 4 years at the UN and make a lot of international friendships (Egypt, Finland, Sweden, France, Algeria, Cameroon, Mexico , Peru, China, Nepal, India, Iraq, Pakistan, Japan, Colombo, Uganda, Jordan …) and travel part of the world collecting experiences and honest thoughts of people of different backgrounds, cultures, religions, experiences and worldviews.

I have always tried to connect all the knowledge I have come to through life but I have never accepted someone’s Great and Only truth without verification. Everyone is mostly right except when they deny the accuracy and success of others. No one knows everything. Of course, neither me. My impression is that I gathered the best of everything that was available to me through my life and combined it all into one whole. As much as I was allowed and as much as I could. I’m still learning.”